The 5 Top Earning Bloggers In The World - tuk

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The 5 Top Earning Bloggers In The World

The 5 Top Earning Bloggers In The World

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1. Michael Arrington: $500,000 – $800,000 per month

Are you a technology news and article lover? TechCrunch is a great place to be if you are. Founder Michael Arrington has created a one stop destination for tech news. Arrington has famously become know as the “prophet of Silicon Valley.” He has become the most influential personality in technology. His site updates its news so often you can get minute-to-minute tech news. So, yea, if you like technology chances are, you’ll love Arrington. That is of course, if you don’t already.

2.Pete Cashmore:$560,000 – $600,000 per month

Pete Cashmore is CEO and founder of the world famous blog Mashable, which covers anything from technology and business to social media, entertainment and lifestyle. Mashable is the largest (award winning) independent site. It is the most influential, the most read and the most popular destination for digital, social media, and technology resources and news. This generation connecting site was established in Cashmore’s bedroom in Scotland when he was only 19-years-old. Cashmore is now the youngest and almost the richest blogger in the world.

3. Mario Lavanderia, ‘Perez Hilton’: $200,000 – $400,000 per month

Mario Lavandeira, a.k.a. Perez Hilton, has been a powerhouse blogger since launching his site in 2005. Say what you will about his particular style of journalism, it’s making him a lot of dough. PerezHilton is a blog about celebrity news, scandals and and the like. Most likely you’ll see stuff about Lindsay Lohan and Justin Bieber on here. It doesn’t take a blog making it on a top ten list of highest earning bloggers to tell us that people love reading and talking about the latest celebrity news. So, if you have any burning questions about your favorite celebrity you may want to give PerezHilton a glance.

4.Vitaly Friedman: $150,000 – $190,000 per month

dig-vitaly-friedman-featured Vitaly Friedman is founder of SmashingMagazine, a blog for website designers. He also started the Smashing Network in 2009 to curate the best of other design blogs. The majority of Friedman’s reported income is from advertising banners and doesn’t include affiliate revenues. SmashingMagazine is the most popular and famous blog in web design and development. If you want to master this field than SmashingMagazine can help you in achieving your goal by making sure you get the newest, latest tips, and provides guides and high quality tutorials to help you on your way.

5.Timothy Sykes: Monthly Income: $150,000 – $180,000 per mont

If you want to learn how to make lots of money Timothy Sykes’ blog is what you should be reading. It includes inspiring articles about investment, finance, stocks, and the like. Sykes is incredibly smart when it comes to stocks. He is an expert, and makes around two million dollars a month from stock operations. This is on top of what he makes from his wildly successful blog — which is, apparently, like a side job. While some people waitress at night, Sykes writes one of the most popular, highest earning blogs in the world. Sykes’ story is inspirational in and of itself, as he started as a penny stock trader — a penny stock scam geek — and now he trains people and writes articles that help people around the world, and he makes millions doing it.

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