INTRESTIN TOPIC! ! Why People Avoid You? Here’s Why. - tuk

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INTRESTIN TOPIC! ! Why People Avoid You? Here’s Why.

INTRESTIN TOPIC! ! Why People Avoid You? Here’s Why.

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Everyone has that one friend that they avoid at all costs. They don’t invite them to get-togethers, people around them have tight lipped smiles or are always uncomfortable and sometimes, you’re that person. Here are a few reasons why:

You Complain A Lot

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It’s ok to want to let off some steam or vent. But when you over do it, people just get tied of it all and want to avoid you at all costs. You are probably not the only one having a hard time, you’re Just so consumed by out that everyone had to hear about it. No one loves a downer and everyone is looking for some sort of happiness. Be alert to your Complaint meter; if you’ve done it more than five times today, you should probably not complain until tomorrow.

You Over-Share

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Everyone needs to talk about the issues but when you over do it you have people running for cover. When you want to share something with someone , they have to have earned it . You can’t just randomly start sharing personal details with people; not only does it make it uncomfortable for them, you come off as lonely and sad as if you have no friends.

You Hide Your Own Nervousness By Seeming Aloof

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Shy purple are guilty of this. In an attempt to hide their nervousness, they put on an air of snobbish-ness that unknowingly pisses people off.
To you, youre probably trying to be reserved and normal but you’re literally pushing people away with your lack of expression. It’s better to have an awkward smile than to have people sniggering at your back because of some misconceived impression of you

You Humblebrag

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This is every bit as an annoying and condescending as actually bragging.
No one likes anyone that brags and studies show that humble bragging is worse because it makes you less likeable. Piece of advice, be more conscious about what you say arou d your friends. Most people humble brag without even realising it.

You Let Shyness Get The Best Of You

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You might feel like you can’t help it but confident people tend to get more attention and more opportunities than their shy counterparts. Confidence elicits trust from people and shyness might be seen as standoffish and proud.
Just be yourself. Youll be surprised at how much confidence you have you.

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